Friday, March 10, 2006

Kicking the Dog

Me: speaking to the little "Search" animated dog in Windows XP: "Find all files containingthe phrase "xxxx" looking in "yyyy"
and including all files and folders, searching system folders, searching hidden files and folders, searching subfolders, not case sensitive.

Dog: "OK! I'm done! Here ya go!" (6 files found)

Me: Wait a minute! How come you didn't find

"path\file" ??? Bad dog!

Dog: Drools, wags tail, scratches self, licks self inappropriately, piddles on the screen, gnaws on desktop icons. "Where do you want to go today? Huh? Where?"

Me: How about if you look for only *.zzz files containing "xxxx" ?

Dog: "Woof! I'm all done! No files found!"

Me: "It's time for the shock collar... and where did I leave that rolled up newspaper?"

Dog: "Thank you for using Microsoft Windo... YIPE!!!"

Me: Grrrr....

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