Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Nice Index Page Requested

I'm looking for a volunteer with stronger HTML-fu than me to create a nice index page for Jonathan Coulton Live in Pontiac. Basically, it should be an index.html file to replace the default one generated by the server. What I'd like:

- A logo, preferably involving a microphone with a "beer thong." I could draw a rough sketch for someone more talented to run with. It should feature the word "BEERTHONG" in gothic type with a slash through the O and an umlaut inappropriately placed over the G. Add other unpronounceable Germanic-looking diacritical marks to taste.

- "Featuring Special Guests Paul and Storm"

- The list of songs (with links to files) including a place for me to add notes for the tracks.

- The CC logo/link to the right license.

- Since too much is never enough, even more pointless heavy-metal typography.

I will attach the logo to the files and when the set of files is complete, make a downloadable zip file for the whole "album."

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